I have a travel bug I can't seem to get rid of! I tell myself I'll slow down on XYZ date and next thing I know, I have another flight booked, my bag is barely packed and I'm headed to the airport. 

I find so much joy in exploring new places and the adventures of the unknown that traveling can bring. For some that can be more daunting and I hope that my posts here will ease worries\concerns you might have about traveling and provide you with tips, tricks and the best food spots! 

Hey Y'all!

01 /

I love food. I couldn't overstate it if I tried. And I don't love it just in a way that we need it for survival. I love it because of what it has the power to do. It brings people together, tells a story where languages may not be understood and can nourish you physically and emotionally. I'm not above crying when it's just THAT GOOD!

Major Foodie Alert!!

02 /

By the looks of things, you can tell I love to travel. I got bit by the travel bug very intensely back in 2019. I saw a flight deal to Rome, Italy and I've been exploring about ever since. I love a good deal so if you see one, I probably already saw it but send it over anyway!! 


03 /

I'm really lucky that my family are my favorite people. Whenever possible I drag them along on my crazy adventures. Usually hesitant at first, but once they have amazing stories tell they are asking me when I'll be planning the next one! 


3 Things about me

Want to be travel buddies?